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Brake Maintenance
Technical information

Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions

By continued use and remaining on this website, you implicitly agree to the following terms and conditions, along with our privacy policy and disclaimers laid out henceforth. Book-marking to a page on the site(s) whereby the non-member page(s) and/or Terms and Conditions are bypassed shall constitute an implicit acceptance of the Terms and Conditions herein and an explicit acknowledgment of age of majority.

You may not use content for any commercial purpose whatsoever. You may not re-publish or provide any parts of the Website or any Website Content Providers' Content to any other person without express prior written authorization by the Company. Such prohibited uses include, without limitation, emailing, phone messaging or any other publication of the Website or Website Content Provider's Content, in whole or in part, on any web page, including on any personal web page You may own or be affiliated with, including any social media page, regardless of whether any of the aforementioned uses are commercial or non-commercial. Any and all such unauthorized use will constitute intentional copyright infringement that could subject You to serious potential liability. If you want something, ask nicely. It's easy.

Indemnification For Unauthorized Use Of Content, Website Or Other Proprietary Materials
You agree to be personally liable for any breach of this Agreement by You. You also agree to fully indemnify the Company and the Company's directors, officers, employees, independent contractors, advertisers, affiliates, suppliers, agents and attorneys, and their successors and assigns for any and all damages directly, indirectly and/or consequentially resulting from any breach of this Agreement by You, including, without limitation, any damages resulting from any attempted or actual unauthorized, accessing, downloading, viewing, copying or distribution of the Website and it's contents or use, abuse, or misuse of products sold through this website.

You acknowledge and agree that You, and not the Company, shall be solely responsible and liable for all damages, liability or other consequences, foreseen or unforeseen, of all information which You submit, publish, display, disseminate or otherwise communicate through the Website even if a claim for damages or liability should arise.

Depiction & use of brands and trademarks in this website other than STAR Performance is for reference purposes only for product differentiation & selection. These images & trademarks remain the sole property of their respective owners.

“Abuse and misuse” covers but is not limited to incorrect use, wrong fitment, testing, disassembly, reverse engineering of product.

STAR Performance and it's agents and third party affiliated companies will not be held responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any losses or damages caused or alleged to have been caused in connection with the use, abuse and misuse of any products on this website.
STAR Performance cannot be for your health, safety or damages to equipment and property or that of others that may result from use, abuse or misuse.
STAR Performance is indemnified against in whole or in part, by You, alone, or with, or under the authority of, any other person(s), including, without limitation, any company(ies) and, or governmental agency(ies), wherein such damages include, without limitation, all direct and consequential damages directly or indirectly resulting from such unauthorized activities, including, without limitation, attorney's fees and all litigation and criminal defense costs. You assume all responsibility for the application of any information provided or linked to on this website. You assume responsibility for use of product, equipment and supplies from this website.

STAR Performance products sold are not intended to correct, or prevent any damage that may arise out of the neglect of the proper maintenance of your machine. Good maintenance procedures should be followed according to your machine manufacturer's instructions.

Certain items can present choking hazards. Ingestion of, or contact with, industrial chemicals, lubricants & fluids, their residue contents is dangerous and may be poisonous and can cause severe bodily harm, with fatal consequences.. Even small amounts can be fatal to a small child or animal. You are responsible for the safe handling and use of product from STAR Performance.

Consent and inquiries
By continuing to use this site and accessing the information on this website, you signal acceptance of the terms and disclaimer set out above. If you do not accept any of these terms, leave this website now. If you have any inquiry or concern about our privacy policy or the way in which we are handling personal data please contact email. If at any time you wish us to cease processing your information please send a message to the Administrator at the email address on this sites contact page.

All website design, text, graphics, the selection and arrangement, with the exception of referencing trademarks, thereof are owed by STAR Performance.